Help eliminate dog fireworks fear with these 7 proven methods. Learn to create a safe haven, soothe your pet, and prevent escapes.
Holidays can be a fun and joyous time but unfortunately most pose dangers for dogs.
Holiday dangers: Plan to protect your pup from dog holiday dangers. Common holiday dangers include food, parties, decorations, and travel.
Valentine's Day safety tips: Keep your dog safe from flowers, treats, and alcohol.
Easter foods: Keep chocolate, raisins, and wine -- popular Easter foods dangerous for dogs -- away from your pet. Consult your vet immediately.
Fourth of July dangers: Chicken bones that wind up lodged in your dog's throat, firecrackers tied to tails, or dogs that are hit by cars trying to escape holiday noise.
Halloween: Keep candy and decorations out of reach. Keep all pets inside, away from threats or dangerous people.
Seven New Year’s resolutions for you and your pup to help you both have the best year yet
Whether it’s making a new friend, eating healthier, or getting more exercise, use these seven New Year’s goals with your dog for a healthier year in 2020!
Use 5 Thanksgiving safety tips to protect your dog
Thanksgiving safety tips: Choose dog-safe decorations, make sure you have plenty of dog-safe food on hand and put the trash out.
Choose an eco-friendly gift for your dog and pet-loving friends
Eco-friendly dog gifts include wearable tech, dog-friendly apps and grooming supplies that will help keep your dog happy and healthy.
Celebrate 8 important dog milestones
Pet parents know dog milestones are precious. Celebrate dog milestones like birthday, gotcha day, Christmas, first vet visits, and more.
5 tips for planning a dog-friendly travel adventure
Being prepared for a dog-friendly travel adventure will make it that much better. Do some planning and preparing before you hit the road.
Plan to celebrate a dog-friendly Halloween
Plan a dog-friendly Halloween that considers your dog’s temperament and confidence level. Don’t push her into a situation that could frighten the dog.
Simple Halloween safety tips protect your dog or puppy
Use basic Halloween dog safety tips. Keep decorations, lights, candles, and candy out of your dog’s reach to prevent injuries.
Halloween safety: Can dogs eat candy corn?
Can dogs eat candy corn? Small amounts are safe. But watch for ingredients like sugar substitute xylitol and dyes that can be dangerous.
5 tips for traveling with your dog this Christmas
When traveling with your dog, it’s helpful to pack some of their home comforts to keep your pup calm, compliant, and happy.