Creating a safe and stimulating environment for your new puppy is crucial for its physical and mental development.
Dog senses
Discover the surprising health benefits of brain games for dogs
Discover the many benefits of brain games for dogs and where to find them. Learn how to create DIY enrichment activities.
5 mentally stimulating outdoor activities for aging dogs and owners
Use stimulating outdoor activities to promote both physical and mental wellness for aging dogs and their owners.
5 interactive dog toys to keep your dog mentally stimulated
Interactive dog toys help stave off boredom and keep dogs sharp and engaged, making for a happy and healthy pup.
5 dog facts you probably don’t already know
There are numerous facts that people do not know about dogs, including their sense of time, ability to smell emotions, and ability to dream.
Personal injury lawyer ads go to the dogs
Dogs may bark at the television when they confuse a fake doorbell or animal sound with a real one, but other reasons also prompt barking.
Dog senses: Powerful smell and hearing eclipse human abilities
People have bred canines to heighten dog senses of smell, hearing and sight, while diminishing their senses of taste and touch.
Can dogs see in color? How dogs (and other animals) see
Some people incorrectly believe that dogs see only in black and white. Instead, dogs see color just not quite as well as people.
How accurate are cancer-sniffing dogs?
Properly trained cancer-sniffing dogs can accurately distinguish a cancer sample from a noncancerous sample.
Runny eyes (epiphora) in dogs: Causes and treatment
Canine epiphora or excessive watering or tear flow is harmless for a few dog breeds but may cause loss of vision in others.