Preparation, monitoring your dog’s physical condition, and keeping your dog on a leash are tips to prevent dog hiking mistakes.
7 tips to prepare for taking your dog hiking
The best way to prepare for dog hiking trips is to take your dog on long daily walks to ensure she is healthy and able to handle the strain of hiking.
17 tips to take a happy trekking adventure with your dog
Trekking can be fun for you and your dog if you take the proper precautions. Make sure your dog is healthy and bring enough food and water.
4 tips to safely hike with your dog
Take steps to hike with your dog. Protect paws, bring water, don’t forget the leash and make sure your dog is healthy and in good shape for the hike.
Teach your dog trail etiquette
As a dog owner, trail lover, and horseback rider, I’ve devised some dog trail etiquette suggestions. First of all, obey the leash laws.