By Kelly Marshall
When you get that new puppy the first thing you do is begin teaching him. But understand, your pup is also a teacher. Be sure to open yourself up to the life lessons dogs teach owners.
You teach him to sit, stay, and come, you teach him where to go to the bathroom and not to chew on your favorite shoes.
What you don’t realize is the entire time you think you are teaching your dog all these great things your dog is teaching you as well. All you have to do is pay attention to the lessons you can learn from your dog.
Sharing you home and life with a dog is sharing a learning experience as well.
Here are four life lessons dogs teach owners.
Enjoy the simple things
The next time you get the chance, watch your dog at play. The simple act of running, jumping and chasing his tail brings him such pleasure.
A pat on the head or having his stomach or ears scratched will send him into ecstasy.
Such simple things in life and your canine friend takes such sheer joy and pleasure it in.
We too should learn to enjoy the simple things in life: a beautiful sunset, a perfect rose or that canine friend who snuggles on our feet while we read a book.
Demonstrate your love
What dog owner has opened the door to be greeted by a thumping tail and excited bark or a wet doggy kiss?
No matter what harsh word you may have said to him before you left the house, your dog is always there for you demonstrating his love with open affection ready, willing and able to show you that he takes great joy and comfort in being with the people he loves.
And it doesn’t matter how long you’ve been gone. Whether it’s 15 minutes or 8 hours, your dog will greet you with great enthusiasm.
Offer comfort with action
How many times when you have been feeling blue, when you feel sad or simply tired and worn out has your dog come and gently nuzzled your hand or laid his head upon your knee and offered his comfort silently letting you know he cares and that he is there for you?
Actions often speak louder than words and your dog’s silent compassion and understanding of your feelings always make you feel better and less alone.
Make your presence known
Have you ever tried to ignore that canine companion when he doesn’t want to be ignored? Dogs have a very effective way of making their presence felt and getting attention. And he can do it without barking or growling at you.
All he needs to do is sit in front of you with his eyes fixed on your face. He makes his presence felt simply by expecting to receive your attention.
Dogs have a way of opening our eyes, hearts and minds to the world around us. They have a way of bringing us into their world and joining us in ours. They make us laugh, share our sadness and demonstrate unwavering love and loyalty.
You can teach your dog every trick in the book, but there are lessons you can learn from your dog.
Your dog will teach you about love, life and loyalty if only you let him. Isn’t that what a true friend is?
Kelly Marshall is a featured author on Oh My Dog Supplies. For more articles by Kelly visit Oh My Dog Supplies.