The laws around CBD oils are complex. In recent years cannabis, marijuana, and CBD laws have changed. You could say the changes in the laws around marijuana and CBD have undergone the most significant change in history. They don’t only impact humans but pets as well. The reality is that these changes can make it more complicated when it comes to your pets. Some states are permissive, while others still have some studying to do. Here’s what you need to know about CBD regulations and your pets.
What is Cannabis
First, we should talk about what CBD is. CBD is the non-psychoactive ingredient in marijuana. If you take CBD alone, you will not experience the “high” that comes with it. This is as opposed to THC, which provides the psychoactive sensations that users typically get from marijuana. CBD interacts with the human body and is the cause of the infamous “munchies,” as well as a change in mood or to lessen pain.
How can it help
If you’re looking to treat the symptoms of stress, anxiety, or seizures, then CBD can help. It can also help with chronic pain. While the benefits of cannabinoids have been studied in humans, it has not been studied much in pets. While there is anecdotal evidence, there isn’t much in the way of objective evidence. However, it has been shown to treat osteoarthritis in dogs. The study was conducted by Cornell University and showed that dogs that received CBD treatments had less pain than those that didn’t receive anything. While this is one study, further studies are needed to determine if it can help in other ways. Cannabinoids probably won’t treat the most common issues, but they may assist with other things.
Understand CBD regulations
Cannabis falls under the Controlled Substance Act (CSA). This is what makes it complicated because CBD is counted as marijuana, a controlled substance that doesn’t have the same properties or effects. Marijuana is considered addictive and has no medical value, according to the CSA, although medical professionals dispute this classification.
Pet CBD is made from hemp. This is a certain kind of cannabis, but it has 0.3 percent of THC,
In 2018 came the Farm Bill. The Farm Bill took hemp from the classification as a schedule 1 drug. Therefore, hemp was not marijuana. Cannabinoids remained under the FDA, as did all cannabis-related products. This includes hemp.
Even though there is a clear separation according to the Farm Bill, many pet care organizations still consider hemp-related products to be cannabis-related. This is despite the latter being very different. This creates unnecessary confusion and wariness.
Is CBD legal in your state?
The short answer is: it’s complicated. CBD oil is completely legal in some states but not in others. For example, in New York, you don’t need anything to purchase marijuana, including CBD. In other states, they’ve decided to make things muddier. It might depend on how it was grown or the type it is. Others, such as Texas, require a Texas medical marijuana card. You’ll have to check with your state about the legality and availability to see if you can provide it to your pets.
It’s important to remember that humans and animals process CBD similarly, but the laws around their use differ. Pet CBD is still being studied, and governing bodies, such as the FDA’s Centre for Veterinary Medicine and National Animal Support Council, don’t actively have any regulations for pets,
Are there trustworthy CBD companies for pets?
There are great CBD providers for pets in the states that allow it. However, they should be THC free and made from hemp. They should not be marketed as a supplement or a medication. The federal government has not classified them as such, so if a brand makes such a claim, it is fraudulent.
As such, it is important never to give your pet CBD that is intended for human use. There are different physiologies at play that should be considered. You should also not give pets any product that has THC in it. The psychoactive properties can be dangerous for your pets.
In the end, while there are states that allow CBD usage for your pets, it’s always best to consult with state laws and with your veterinarian. They will have the most recent data. Hopefully, more studies can be done so that CBD can be legal everywhere, and our pets will benefit from this fascinating substance.