Many dog owners do not realize dogs commonly experience skin problems. The reason your dog develops a skin problem varies from dog to dog. But they can be addressed if you know the problem exists.
You must understand the signs that your dog has a skin problem so you can choose the right treatment. Let’s take a look at common skin problem warning signs.
Dull fur color
Sometimes, it can be difficult to tell if your dog is healthy. But, a good place to start is by looking at their fur and coat.
If you notice that your pup has developed a dull coat color, this might signify that they have a problem with their skin.
In some cases, a skin and coat supplement can be all that is necessary to fix the issue. This can provide your pooch with the beneficial vitamins and minerals they need.
It can also stop itchy and help to improve problems with the skin. Over time, this is going to correct any dull colors and promote shininess.
Excessive itching
First of all, all dogs are going to itch. Just like humans, it is common to have something occasionally irritate your skin.
But, if you notice that your dog is excessively itching and scratching, then this might be a cause for concern. If this happens, it is best to see your veterinarian as soon as possible.
Itching can be a sign of fleas, particularly if it is off the lower back. Scratching can also be a sign of mites and lice, which will cause your dog non-stop itching. Veterinarians can offer medication and advice on how to deal with pest problems.
Bald patches
Another sign to watch for that might indicate your canine has a skin problem is bald patches and hair loss. This condition is known as alopecia.
There are several reasons why your dog might lose hair and develop bald patches. The condition is often accompanied by itching.
Hair loss could indicate your dog has parasites or allergies to something in their diet or environment.
While it is possible the bald patch occurred by accident while out on a walk or playing, it is most likely a sign of a skin problem for your furry friend.
Dry and flaky skin
Have you noticed white bits of skin lying on your dog’s coat or that fall off when they shake? Some people panic and think that their dog has fleas.
But, this is most likely dandruff and can indicate your canine has a skin problem. Dandruff also is often accompanied by itching.
If you see dry skin flakes or notice that your pooch has hair loss and a smelly coat, it may be time to see your veterinarian.
Red and inflamed skin
Most dogs have skin with a pink tint. But, if you notice that any of your canine’s skin is red and looks inflamed, that’s a sign of a skin problem.
If your dog has been scratching, it’s not unusual for the skin to look red. But if the color doesn’t fade quickly, it’s a sign of a skin problem.
Be careful with any products you put on your pup’s skin. Often, they can be full of chemicals that can irritate.
If your dog develops red skin, stop using these products for a while to see if that makes any difference. If the red skin persists several days after you stop using the product, talk to your vet.
Brown paws
Dogs lick themselves while grooming. But, if your furry friend is constantly licking their feet, this can signify that they are having a problem with their skin.
If your dog is itchy, he may lick his skin. Unfortunately, this creates a vicious circle. Licking to stop an itch can cause sores that make your dog itch more.
When that happens, pet parents need to find the cause of the itching, which most often is their diet or environment.
Dog skin problem warning signs
Be alert for potential dog skin problems. If you notice your dog is itching excessively, or has red or irritated skin, discolored paws, or is losing hair, talk to your vet.