We all know people can benefit in many ways from using CBD oil products. Multiple studies have indicated that CBD oil can help reduce the number of issues people face every day including anxiety, muscle soreness, and eczema. But what about CBD oil for dogs and pets? Can CBD oil also help our four-legged family members improve their quality of life?
The short answer is yes. Because dogs have a similar set of cannabinoid receptors in their brains to humans, they can also feel the positive effects that CBD oil can offer and it can benefit your beloved pet in many of the same ways that it can improve your day-to-day life.
As a result, many CBD oil companies also make a large line of products for pets as well as for human beings. One such company is 4 Corners Cannabis which features several interesting options if you want to help give your dog the benefits of CBD oil.
Keep in mind that none of these products will get your dog “high” as they do not contain more than a trace of THC. So, there’s no need to worry about your pet acting strangely as a result of taking these products. But studies indicate they can benefit from CBD oil products.
4 Corners Cannabis offers CBD oil products for pets
The first product 4 Corners Cannabis offers for pets is simply called Pet Tincture. It was created specifically for animal consumption and contains no added Limonene. You can administer this product to your dog in two ways. You can use the dropper, which is included with each bottle and place the product directly into your dog’s mouth. The other alternative is to place the desired dosage directly into your dog’s food just before they eat it.
The product contains organic golden hemp seed oil and complete spectrum hemp extract so it is designed to take advantage of the entourage effect. The entourage effect means that a full spectrum CBD product will be more effective because the different compounds from the hemp plant all help the other compounds to work better and more efficiently.
Basically, it means that when the full spectrum of CBD oil is used, the whole becomes greater than the sum of its parts. The result is a product that often works better and takes effect quicker than if you didn’t include the full spectrum of CBD in the product.
The dropper allows pet owners to safely and easily choose the right dose of CBD oil for their dog. There are several factors to consider when selecting the right dose. The most important factor is the weight of your pet. The bigger the dog, the higher dose you will need for him or her to feel the difference that CBD oil offers.
Consult your veterinarian
It is also important to speak to a veterinarian before giving your dog any CBD oil products if your dog is taking any other medications to ensure that there is no adverse reaction between the CBD oil and any other medications your beloved pet may be taking.
The manufacturer also recommends that you give your dog the pet tincture at least 1.5 hours before or after you give your dog any other pharmaceuticals that metabolize in the liver to avoid any potential adverse reactions. Keep in mind that roughly 60 percent of all pet medications do metabolize in the liver so again, consult with your veterinarian to be sure.
THC-free pet tincture
4 Corners Cannabis also offers a THC-free pet tincture as well. As you would expect, this product contains no THC at all. It comes in a bottle with a pump and the recommended dose is one pump once or twice a day applied directly into the animal’s food.
The flavor of this product is a more subtle, hemp flavor and it can be used for livestock and larger animals as well as household pets. Again, the larger the animal, the higher the recommended dose of THC-free pet tincture is recommended. Because this product can be used for larger animals, it comes in several sizes including a 14,000 mg bottle that will help keep you stocked up on this product for a longer period of time.
Again, it is important to make sure your pet does not take this product within 90 minutes of taking any other pharmaceuticals that may be processed through the liver so make sure you speak to a qualified veterinarian before allowing your pet or any animal who is taking another pharmaceutical to also take this product.
Peanut butter flavor
Finally, 4 Corners also another product for pets, and it’s the most recent addition to their pet product line. They have peanut butter flavored pet tincture. The formula is almost identical to the pet tincture but because it has been flavored with organic peanut butter, even the most finicky dog will enjoy the taste of this product.
Like the other pet tinctures, this product will not get your pet high and the dosing will vary depending on the size of your pet. Keep in mind that after your four-legged family member takes this product for a few days, you can adjust the dosage based on how she or he is reacting to the product. If it doesn’t seem to be doing enough, you can gradually increase the dose. You can also reduce the dosage if you feel your pet does not need as much of the product for it to be effective for him or her.
There are so many CBD oil products available now for both humans and pets. These products are designed to help improve the quality of life for those who take them. Because both human brains and the brains of our pets have similar cannabinoid receptors, studies show they can reap the benefits of CBD oil products just as well as we can. But because your pet is unable to purchase these products for themselves, it is up to you as their owner to make sure they can get the benefits that CBD has to offer.
Regardless of whether your pet takes CBD oil directly or has it added to their food, you can make a difference in their lives by adding CBD oil to their diet.