By now, CBD oil is no longer the next big thing, it’s already here, and it’s a thriving and expanding market. When the CBD boom first hit a few years ago shortly following the nationwide legalization of hemp in all forms, it was a somewhat hidden, niche market, but with a cult following CBD grew and grew to become a household name in 2020. People of all ages, from millennials to baby boomers, now use CBD for a variety of different reasons, all with soaring success. That success has not been just limited to the human race.
While humans, of course, can’t speak directly for animals, pet owners have seen significant positive reactions from their pets after administering CBD for pain, anxiety, depression, and other unique symptoms. And due to CBD’s ability to be incorporated into pills, oils, salves, lotions, tinctures, food & beverages, and even more, the “application” of CBD has never been easier for both humans and pets.
CBD oil for pets treats multiple conditions
Perhaps the biggest advocates for CBD must be dog owners, who seem to have seen the most positive effects and successes from CBD use with their pet, mostly with ailments like arthritic pain and anxiety. However, CBD oil for dogs may be used just to calm down a jittery or over-excited pup; the range of ailments CBD can help with is almost limitless.
Of course, truly any pet can celebrate the advantages of CBD, dogs are just the most popular choice, perhaps because they are the most expressive of all the pets, and so they can most openly portray the effects of CBD once it’s given to them (who’s to say? I’ve got a cat and she loves the stuff, too!)
But what does the other side of the argument look like, and is there even an opposite side to this argument? Well, opposition to CBD use with pets sometimes states that CBD oil doesn’t help with pain and alleviation of symptoms, but rather simply numbs the animal’s brain into not being able to process the pain.
Essentially, the argument is that we, as humans, are unable say with certainty that dogs react to CBD in the same way that humans do, and that there is a chance that dogs may experience psychoactive effects from being given CBD, and are in essence “getting high” instead of merely having their pain relieved. The argument is also made that CBD is not safe for dogs until the FDA approves its legitimacy, though I wonder how these people feel about CBD for humans if they don’t trust it as safe for their pets.
CBD oil safe for pets
According to Healthline, giving your pet CBD is completely safe. Remember always to monitor your pet the first couple of times they are given CBD for any funny behavior. Still, all-in-all the worst that could happen is your dog will become very lethargic for a short time, or they may experience diarrhea, but nothing more traumatizing or upsetting.
The best-case scenario is you are providing your ailing pet with the relief they may not be able to achieve without CBD oil, and that’s a great feeling for any pet owner to have.
For our research, we used five different dogs of the retriever family (two golden retrievers and three chocolate Labradors) and gave the dogs the CBD at the end of the day, when it is time to calm down with the rest of the family.
We based our rankings on how silent the dog was after taking the CBD and how long it took for the dogs to fall asleep. Then, we noted how long the dogs got restful sleep, but, in most cases, the dogs woke up before their humans. Also, we tried 30 different CBD oils, one every other night, for two months.
In each case, only “natural” and “unflavored” flavorings were used. The dogs were able to stay in their respective homes for the duration of the research. All participants were very good boys.
1. Penguin CBD
Across the board, our pups had the best results from using Penguin CBD Oil, an industry staple that has been in the market long enough to have formed a quality product for both humans and dogs, it seems.
Overall, our dogs had the shortest interval between being hyper and laying down for evening rest after taking Penguin CBD, with the dogs lying silently and remaining calm until morning. As an added plus, humans reported their dogs as more affectionate and lovable after taking Penguin CBD, as well.
2. Mission Farms
Our dogs were greeted with a quick and calming slumber after taking a dose of Mission Farms CBD Oil right before bed. Humans also noticed their dogs waking up the next morning in an extra good mood after receiving Mission Farms CBD oil the night before.
3. Charlotte’s Web
Perhaps it was an animalistic connection between the creatures featured in the book of this company’s namesake and the doggies who were trying the product, but Charlotte’s Web CBD was a hit with all 5 of our pups; 2 paws up!
CBD oil for pets benefits
While there are some CBD oils made specifically for dogs and other critters, for this experiment, only CBD made for humans was used. We agree with other top sources that although CBD specifically branded for dogs exists, there is rarely a difference between a product made for dogs and a product made for humans, outside of the packaging and marketing. Overall, as long as the quality of the product you are buying is top shelf, you shouldn’t have anything to worry about.
Those that still doubt the beneficial effects of CBD on animals have their heads in the sand. Even PETA, the People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals, supports CBD use for animals that may need it, even going so far as to support medical marijuana for ailing pets, as well. As with anything you give to your pet, be safe and be knowledgeable, and you’ll have smooth sailing.