If you’ve ever had to resist your pup’s attempts to sneak food off your plate, you know how hard it can be.
Giving a few pieces of human food isn’t always bad.
Even so, what about starchy vegetables like potatoes? Let’s take a closer look at starchy vegetables and if they’re safe for your pup. Can dogs eat potatoes?
Never feed your dog raw potatoes
White potatoes are part of the nightshade family of vegetables, including tomatoes.
Both raw potatoes and tomatoes contain solanine, a compound that can be toxic to certain dogs. Solanine has been linked to digestive issues such as vomiting and diarrhea and neurological problems such as seizures and tremors. If a dog eats enough solanine-containing food, it can even be fatal.
So, can dogs eat potatoes? Possibly!
The good news is that by cooking the potato, you can reduce the levels of solanine and make it safe for your pup to eat in moderation.
Baked or boiled potatoes are probably safer options than microwaved ones — make sure they are cooked without any seasonings or other added ingredients.
What about sweet potatoes?
Sweet potatoes can make great snacks for your pup! Boiled, steamed, baked, or dehydrated sweet potatoes are safe options for treating your dog.
Sweet potatoes are a great source of nutrition in your dog’s diet because they contain high amounts of vitamins A, C, and B6, calcium, potassium, magnesium, and iron. All these nutrients work together to help support your pup’s overall health.
Vitamin A is especially important since it helps keep your pup’s eyesight healthy and boosts its immune system. Vitamin C is also essential for maintaining a healthy immune system and increases your dog’s ability to absorb iron from other foods. Finally, B6 helps with energy metabolism and supports brain health.
You can generally share cooked and sweet potatoes with your four-legged friend following the 10% rule, which states treats should make up no more than 10% of your pet’s daily calories. Potatoes should be considered treats and not given in large quantities or regularly.
Be careful of weight gain and diabetes
Potatoes contain high levels of carbohydrates, which can be an issue for animals that suffer from diabetes or obesity. If you notice weight gain after giving potato snacks, it’s best to stop using them immediately and look for healthier alternatives.
You should always avoid giving your pup potato skins because they can be tough to digest.
What about other starchy vegetables?
Now that you know the answer to “Can dogs have potatoes?” it’s essential to learn about other starchy vegetables that you might be tempted to share with your pup.
Corn contains various nutrients that can help improve your dog’s health. It is an excellent source of protein and carbohydrates, providing energy, vitamins, and minerals. Additionally, corn contains linoleic acid, which helps maintain skin and coat health. Finally, corn is also rich in antioxidants which can help protect against disease and illness.
It is important to never feed your dog corn on the cob as this poses a choking hazard and the risk of intestinal blockage if ingested.
Regarding canine nutrition, numerous fruits, vegetables, and other ingredients can help keep your pup healthy and happy. One of the most nutritious options you can offer is squash; filled with vitamins, minerals, and other essential nutrients, squash should be a part of your dog’s regular diet.
When introducing squash into your dog’s diet plan, you have two main options: cooked or raw. If you choose raw squash pieces or cubes as treats or training rewards for your pup, make sure they are small enough not to present a choking hazard. You can also mash up or blend cooked squash for easier consumption. Ensure you remove any seeds before feeding since too many can cause a backup in your dog’s digestive system.
Peas are a great source of vitamins, minerals, proteins, and fiber for humans, so why not share the love with our furry friends too? Green peas, snow peas, sugar snap peas, and garden or English peas are safe for dogs to consume on occasion.
When preparing the peas for your pup’s meal, make sure that you only feed them fresh or frozen (not canned because they usually have extra sodium), and avoid any added salts or seasonings when preparing them.
Final thoughts can dogs eat potatoes
Starchy vegetables like potatoes can be a part of your dog’s diet but should only be given in moderation alongside other healthy snacks and meals.
Consult a veterinarian before making significant changes to your pet’s diet to ensure that it receives all the essential nutrients for optimal health and well-being.