A great diet is essential to the development of your new furry addition to the household. And just as it is with human babies, pups need special care and feeding to ensure their bodies develop properly. Poor nutrition can lead to stunted growth, terminal injuries and sadly fatal illnesses.
Puppies are a lot of fun to have around the home. But you need to assume the role of mother and provide your puppy with essential nutrients after they move into their new home with you and away from their birth mother. And, in most cases, an optimized diet is even more important if you are raising a pedigree dog.
Here are five essential nutrients your pup needs to get every day…
#1. Protein
Protein is a macro-nutrient and an essential component of your pup’s diet. For proper muscle growth, puppies need more protein in their meals than adult dogs. Proteins also supply your pet with amino acids (essential and non-essential) that are needed for hair growth, and stronger bones. They are also used to make enzymes, antibodies, and neurotransmitters.
Protein is a must-have in your dog’s diet. Because dogs can’t produce the required amount of essential amino acids, they also can’t store protein. So you need to ensure they get a consistent supply of protein in their meals. You can always choose between human-grade protein or feed-grade protein. Just ensure you are getting it from the right source.
#2. Fat
As long as you ensure your dog doesn’t get overweight or obese, fat should be part of its everyday diet. Fat acts as a concentrated source of energy – which is doubly essential if your pup is a high-energy breed. It also helps with the digestion of fat-soluble vitamins, keeping the body warm and a healthy nervous system. Fat also protects the internal organs from injury due to any external impact.
The need to include fat in your pet’s diet doesn’t mean you should give your dog fatty scraps. Always provide healthy fatty meals that contain all the needed nutrients in balance. Too much fat can also cause gastrointestinal issues.
#3. Carbohydrates
Like fat and protein, carbohydrates are a great source of energy for your pet. They are also a great source of glucose, vitamins, antioxidants, and minerals that support accelerated growth and balanced development.
When getting carbohydrates for your pup, always look for healthy carbohydrates such as oat, brown rice, coconut, and sweet potatoes. These healthy carbs provide more than a spike in sugar levels for your furry companion.
#4. Minerals
Minerals are also a critical element in a growing dog’s life. Most pups need higher levels of these essential minerals than adult dogs. They are inorganic and can’t be manufactured in the body, so your dog must get them from food. They ensure your dog’s metabolism functions properly.
Minerals such as iron helps carry oxygen throughout the body, while calcium ensures your dog grows up with strong bones. Other examples of essential minerals your dog needs to get regularly are selenium, sodium, phosphorus, magnesium, and potassium. Minerals are critical if you want a healthy-looking, energetic dog.
#5. Vitamins
Vitamins are either fat-soluble or water-soluble organic compounds that play vital roles in the metabolic function of your dog. They also boost the pup’s immune system and help keep the nervous system running. Your puppy cannot create vitamins in the required quantity, so they must be part of their diet.
Dogs need water-soluble vitamins B-complex and C, and fat-soluble K, E, D and A. Buy good foods infused with these essential vitamins to ensure your canine companion has healthy teeth and bones.
The Final Woof
Getting your pup’s nutritional needs right is crucial. If you need to find healthy food for your pup, meals that contain these five essential nutrients are a great start.