Biting is common in dogs, especially in puppies. Nipping might not be hugely concerning, but it could lead to more dangerous behavior. You don’t want your dog to bite a stranger. The victim could become seriously hurt and may want to contact a dog bite lawyer. So, it’s important to get this behavior under control.
When training your dog, it’s important to determine the cause of dog biting. Dogs bite for different reasons, and there could be an underlying issue. Here are some reasons your dog might bite.
That’s right, dogs can feel anxiety just like us. And anxiety could be the cause of your dog’s biting. If your pup is growling aggressively and seems to be biting more than usual, anxiety could be the cause. It’s important to find the root of the anxiety and try to tackle it head-on.
Have you recently moved to a new house? Has someone in the family passed away? Is there a new pet in the home? Dogs are surprisingly aware and they notice changes in the household. Fortunately, there are ways to tackle anxiety in dogs, such as over-the-counter calming supplements.
Playfulness is the most common cause of biting, especially when they’re young. Puppies struggle to understand when the playing stops and might nip accidentally. They might become upset or confused if you walk away when you’re playing.
The best way to deal with playful biting is to stop as soon as they bite hard and make a loud yelp. Doing so every time will confuse your pup and make them understand that behavior isn’t acceptable.
Defending their territory
Dogs are defensive animals. They are bred to protect and can be possessive. Mother dogs, for example, fiercely protect their puppies and may bite if they’re feeling threatened. A dog could become possessive over their space in the house, such as their bed, and might bite if they feel you are encroaching on it.
Or, your dog might bite visitors if they come into your house unannounced. It’s important to try to shake off this behavior, as you don’t want your dog to bite visitors. Socialize with your dog and allow them to interact with lots of different people in a calm, safe environment. Don’t forget to reward good behavior too, as your dog wants to please you.
Sometimes dogs can bite if they have an illness or injury and don’t want to be touched. You can determine that this is the cause of the biting if they suddenly start doing it when you get too close. It’s important to take your dog to a veterinary professional if you’re worried about their health. If you can’t get close enough to your dog to move them, get a vet to come to your home.