Mangoes are an awesome fruity treat filled with tons of vitamins and fiber. They are sweet and grow in many hot countries, which makes them abundant and available. But can dogs eat mangoes?
Are there any health risks for your dog? And can they eat dried mango or frozen mango?
The simple answer is yes. Mangoes make tasty treats for your furry friends. But you need to take some precautions to avoid disaster.
Do not allow your dog to eat a mango pit because they contain cyanide, which can be deadly. The pits also can obstruct your dog’s intestines. Contact your veterinarian immediately if your dog consumed a mango pit and did not excrete it out within 24 hours. If the pit was not excreted, the pit has gotten stuck within your dog’s digestion track and will need to be removed surgically.
Dogs eat mangoes: Avoid the skin
Ensure that you feed your dog just the inner part of the mango while avoiding as much of the skin as possible.
The skin on the mango is full of fiber and can be extremely hard to digest for all dogs because of their protein-based diet. Too much mango skin in your dog’s digestion system can clog it up and require a vet visit. So, it’s better to feed affordable dog food, which is full of necessary nutrition.
Finally, your dog is ready to eat the mango once you have peeled it and removed the pit!
If you have a small dog, slice the mango into small pieces, so it is easier to eat. Bigger pieces can be a choking hazard to small dogs! Larger dogs can eat the whole mango at once as they can chew it up themselves.
Dried mangoes high in sugar
Can your dog eat dried mango? The short answer is yes, but dried mango tends to have an increased amount of sugar content. This higher amount of sugar can have detrimental effects on your dog, such as causing diarrhea and diabetes.
A dog’s stomach is used to a low sugar intake and even if your dog can eat dried mango, give it in moderation. Fresh mango will always be better for your dog.
Your puppy would also love to chow down on some delicious mango too! A growing puppy can eat mango to supplement some of the nutrients they don’t get in their store-bought kibble.
Health benefits
There are many health benefits to feeding your dog mangoes. A dog’s close ancestor, wolves, will sometimes eat fruits in the wild to subsidize their diets and gain nutrients that are harder to acquire in meat-based meals.
The benefits of the vitamins found in mangoes can prevent organ damage, increase bone growth, and even boost your dog’s immunity system.
Feed mangoes in moderation for best results and vary the amount based on the size of your dog, but in general, don’t give your dog more than one to three slices per week.
Knowing what your dog can eat can be confusing. When in doubt, consult your veterinarian.
Kamal Chandel is the co-founder/CEO of