For most people feeding your dog is simply a matter of grabbing the dry kibble, putting some water in the bowl and hoping that your pup loves it.
There is, however, a new movement of feeding dogs a raw diet or supplementing their diets with fresh fruit, vegetables, and meat.
Of course, dogs evolved from wolves, and therefore they enjoy a diet high in protein, specifically meat-based products.
Which may make you wonder, can my dog eat lobster? Or apples or oatmeal?
Choose the right food
For many of us, knowing what human foods your dog can eat can be a challenge.

A diet that’s high in fat, sugar, and fillers is bad for dogs — as it is for us — so don’t feed them unhealthy food.
Luckily Pet Gear Lab has produced a super handy chart which you can download, print out and stick on your fridge. It lists all the common foods you can freely feed your pup and those you should feed moderately, or avoid altogether. It’s handy to share with kids or elderly parents to use as a reference when they feel like giving your pets tidbits.
Healthy human food guide
Head on over to Pet Gear Lab to grab the download and let us know how you’re getting on with introducing human food into your dog’s diet.