Dogs are more than pets; they are family members. One way to ensure your pet leads a long and happy life is to feed them the right food and avoid dog food dangers.
Dog food dangers
According to a study by Cornucopia, carrageenan is found in more than 70 percent of canned pet food. This ingredient causes intestinal inflammation (inflammatory bowel disease), leading to cancer. Symptoms of this condition include weight loss, diarrhea, and vomiting.
Corn and corn syrup
Conducted studies regarding diabetes reveal one in 400-500 dogs are diagnosed with diabetes which the food sweetener corn syrup can cause. The consumption of this sweetener can cause hyperactivity, weight gain, and a modification in cognitive behavior.
The internal remains of an animal are known as byproducts, found in many different types of dog food. Byproducts are food-fillers that can cause disease to spread through a dog’s organs, and tissues and cause tumors.
Potential poisons
Like corn syrup, xylitol is a sweetener. Also known as birch sugar, this ingredient causes dogs to vomit, become lethargic, and experience a loss of coordination. Chewing gum, chocolate, and other human foods contain xylitol. The consumption by dogs of any product with this ingredient could cause hypoglycemia, caused by a rapid release of insulin from the pancreas.
Propylene Glycol
Propylene Glycol can cause dogs to develop lesions within their intestines. These lesions could become cancerous. Intestinal blockage can be a result of the ingestion of this ingredient. Symptoms of this condition include loss of appetite, abdominal swelling, vomiting, and lethargy.
BHT is the acronym for butylated hydroxytoluene. It is used to preserve certain fats and oils within the food. It is suggested that BHT can cause cancerous tumors. Dogs may be unable to break down this chemical in their liver, which could cause changes in behavior.