Owning a dog is a big responsibility. They are reliant on you for everything. Your dog would be lost without you. Some of the things you need to do to be a responsible dog owner are obvious, for example, providing them with food and water.
Other things are less obvious, so we thought we should cover them here.
Let people know you have a dog
It is wise to put up beware of the dog signs around your property. Doing this prevents any misunderstandings. People will approach your door cautiously. They will be ready to respond in a friendly way instead of being frightened when your dog comes running around the corner.
There is the added benefit that the presence of a dog in a home can deter would-be home invaders, according to research from various sources, including the U.S. Department of Justice.
Get your dog vaccinated
In many places you are required, by law, to get your dog vaccinated. Doing so protects your dog and the community as a whole.
The more people vaccinate their pets the harder it is for diseases to take hold and spread quickly. It also protects your dog. Diseases like rabies are fatal. Be a responsible dog owner and protect your dog’s health.
Exercise your dog responsibly
All dogs need regular exercise. You should take them for at least one 20-minute walk every day.
When you go out with your dog, you need to follow the rules. They are there to protect everyone. If you do not put a lead or muzzle on your dog when required to do so, you can open yourself up to the possibility of fines. Should your dog run into the road or knock someone over, you could be held liable and sued.
It is essential to clean up after your dog. Doing so helps to keep your local environment clean and tidy. The more owners that pick up after their dogs, the better it is for everyone. It only takes a few people to stop doing it for the council to lose patience and start banning dogs from all sorts of places.
Train your dog
You need your dogs to know their boundaries and be obedient. Taking them for training is the best way to ensure that they behave correctly.
Studies show that dogs like to have a strong leader in their lives. They want to know where they stand and have boundaries firmly, but kindly reinforced.
If you cannot find lessons in your area, go online and find a video course. There are several free ones available, most of which are very good.
Teach everyone in the family to look after your dog
Your dog needs consistency. So, you need to make it clear to everyone in the family how they should treat your dog.
There is no point in you being strict with your pet if the moment your back is turned other members of the family just let them do whatever they want. When that happens, it only takes a few days for all of your hard work to be undone.