All dogs want to be lap dog breeds. Most dogs like to cuddle and use climbing into their owners’ laps as a chance to communicate.
Dog communication
What do dog growls mean? Understand your dog’s warning signals
Understanding the different types of dog growls can help improve communication and foster harmony between you and your pet.
A difficult choice: Understand consequences before you re-home dogs
When you re-home dogs, help them adjust by incorporating old habits into their new routines. Be patient and spend lots of time with the dog.
Different dog signs: What does your dog’s body language mean?
Learn how to read and understand dog signs, body language and behavioral signals. Pay attention to eyes, ears, paws and tail.
Do you know what these 5 dog body language cues mean?
Learn to read dog body language so you’ll know why your dog does what she does and what it means when she’s panting, shaking, or sniffing.
Learn to understand 8 dog body language styles
Dogs communicate using body language, much like humans do. Take time and look at your dog’s body language cues to understand what they want from you.
Learn how to understand what the dog tail says
Canines communicate using body language and a dog tail message can convey anything from happiness and confidence to fear and aggression.
Dogs know when you’re lying
New experiments and researches show dogs sense lies by reading human body cues and can tell when a person is untrustworthy or lying.
What you should know about dog training by Train Your Canine
Train Your Canine Dog Training Company has been training canines for years and knows what approaches work and what don’t.
Learn to speak fluent dog
Learning to speak fluent dog or cat can’t be done in a crash course. Like any other language it takes years to master. And practice makes perfect.