The very concept of using CBD as a treatment option for your pets is likely something that most people would consider. After all, isn’t CBD only for human use?
Well, you can give your pet CBD with no problems whatsoever. It just takes a little bit of knowledge to do it accurately and efficiently.
Here is absolutely everything that there is to know about CBD for pets.
How does CBD for pets work?
The first question that most people will have when considering giving their pets CBD is how on earth it works.
CBD is a cannabinoid, which means it comes from cannabis and hemp plants. This inherently means that it is unsafe for your favorite furry friends, right?
Well, it is actually pretty simple; CBD works on your pets just like it does on you.
All mammals possess an endocannabinoid system, which is the health system that cannabinoids react with when you imbibe them. It is the only reason that cannabis has any effect whatsoever on you.
Thanks to quirks of evolution, cannabinoids have the same effects on a dog as they do on a human. This means that giving your pet CBD is as comfortable as giving it to yourself. It is also the case when it comes to THC, the cannabinoid found in psychoactive cannabis that gives it recreational value. THC is also the reason that you need to be careful about imbibing cannabis in the presence of animals.
The last thing you want is to get your pet high by accident.
However, when it comes to giving your pets some CBD, it really couldn’t be simpler. There are just a few pesky things that you need first in order to do it safely.
What info do you need to know about giving your pets CBD?
The critical issue with giving your pet CBD, and indeed the thing that many people get caught up on, is dosage.
While cannabinoids affect dogs and cats just the same as they do humans, there is a noticeable physical difference between us and them: Weight and size.
Except for the largest dog breeds, most pets you would keep at home weigh a lot less than humans. This means that the precise amount of CBD your pet needs is drastically less than the amount you would need to feel the same comparable effects.
You need to carefully watch the dosage that you give to your pets, for fear of giving them too much.
Do keep in mind, of course, that too much CBD isn’t going to be of any risk to your pets. There aren’t any fatal side effects when it comes to taking too much CBD. Instead, the main thing that’s wrong with giving your pet too much CBD is that you are wasting it.
If you are giving your pet the same amount of CBD as you would need to feel the same effects, you are basically just throwing it away.
As CBD is pretty expensive, it makes sense to only use the amount that you need to remain conservative with your bank balance.
But the best way to save money would be to not give your pets any CBD at all. So, why would you choose to provide them with some CBD at all?
What can CBD help your pets with?
CBD has the same effects on your pooch as it does on you. It is excellent at helping to get rid of inflammation and anxiety, both of which are things that pets suffer from often.
Whether as a result of separation anxiety, or due to a specific incident that resulted in anxiety, this is a mental condition that all pets can suffer from. CBD can help them overcome it, or in the very least, feel more relaxed and able to deal with it.
Meanwhile, inflammation is a common affliction, especially among dogs and other similar pets, thanks to long-term conditions like arthritis. CBD can reduce the sensation of pain, making day to day life easier for your furry friends.
Final thoughts on all you need to know about CBD for pets
CBD for pets is a relatively new thing, but something that needs to be better understood. While it is still somewhat taboo to give your pet any sort of cannabinoid as a treatment, there are all sorts of useful benefits.
Whether you are looking just to try it out or looking for new pet CBD supplies, check out some of the myriad retailers online. Places like Premium Jane or other well-trusted brands are great places to get started, as they guarantee both efficacy and CBD content.
Don’t be afraid of spending just a bit extra – your pets are worth it.