Learn to read dog body language so you’ll know why your dog does what she does and what it means when she’s panting, shaking, or sniffing.
Top Stories on DogsBestLife.com
Is it better to have two dogs? If you plan to leave your dog during the day while you are at work, it may be better to have two dogs so that they can keep each other company.
Help your dog sleep all night: The most common cause of canine insomnia is pent-up energy. Help your dog sleep through the night by making sure she gets plenty of exercise.
Why does my dog get hiccups? Dog hiccups are so common some veterinarians think that they can be a part of the laundry list of “growing pains” some puppies must endure.
Could my dog have canine autism? Most puppies and dogs diagnosed with “canine autism” are reactive and often lack socialization skills. Reactive animals often inherit an anxiety disorder.
Use music to soothe separation anxiety: Soothe dog separation anxiety with music, not medication. The right tune can calm your dog so he can relax and fall asleep.
Aggressive puppy warning signs: Common aggressive puppy behavior warning signs: snarling, growling, mounting, snapping, lunging, challenging stance, aggressive barking and biting.
Couch potato dogs for couch potato owners: Make an honest assessment of your lifestyle to help you choose the right dog. If you’re a couch potato, get a couch potato dog, not a high energy dog.
Prepare for a dog-friendly trip
Plan a dog-friendly trip with a little help from the folks at GoPetFriendly.com to find dog-friendly hotels, destinations and activities.
Learn how to understand what the dog tail says
Canines communicate using body language and a dog tail message can convey anything from happiness and confidence to fear and aggression.
5 tips to make your dog stop eating feces
Because there are many reasons why some dogs eat feces, it can be a major challenge for some dog owners to make their dogs stop eating feces.
Why do dogs lick?
Dogs lick as a way to communicate their moods, level of submission and to show affection. Dogs also lick to groom and to keep wounds clean.
Stop dog begging: 10 easy tips
The easiest way to stop dog begging is to not let it start. Don’t tolerate it from your dog or let any people encourage it.
Couch potato dogs for couch potato owners
Make an honest assessment of your lifestyle to help you choose the right dog. If you’re a couch potato, get a couch potato dog, not a high energy dog.
Can my dog eat that?
Use this handy info graphic to understand healthy human foods dogs can eat safely. Add healthy meats, fruits and vegetables to your dog’s diet.
Stop dog digging
Dog digging is hardwired into the DNA of many breeds. To break a dog digging habit, supervise your dog and make sure he gets plenty of exercise.