Many college students think owning even a small pet in college is unreal, let alone having a dog. Nevertheless, against all odds, lots of college students adopt and take proper care of their pups while in college.
And they know exactly why they are doing that.
Though adopting a puppy might seem selfless, you may be surprised by how many selfish reasons behind this act can be.
If you’ve discarded the idea of getting a friendly dog and sharing all the hardships of college life with your quadruped critter, it’s about time you reconsidered.
Below are some significant reasons college students adopt dogs and get the best companion.
Natural ‘anti-stress’ agents
It’s a rare college student who has never experienced stress. Lots of learners struggle to meet deadlines and fit their normal activities into a new schedule, which is anything but conducive to peace of mind.
Of course, you can get some additional help with your academics. I pay someone to write my research paper. So, why can’t you? But keeping a handle on your homework alone isn’t enough to fight stress and be content with life. That is where a dog comes in and saves the day.
Official studies confirm that petting your dog could be enough to relieve anxiety, help you deal with panic attacks, and cope with stress. Interaction with your pup boosts oxytocin levels, is a natural stress reliever, and is an excellent remedy against loneliness.
Help fight depression
Along with the benefits mentioned above, dogs can act as spiritual helpers in your time of need. It’s so good to know that at the end of another hectic day at college, your canine friends will greet you with the familiar bark and jump up on you (if you allow it, of course.)
Plus, 15 minutes of jogging or playing with your dog can tremendously reduce your cortisol levels and encourage you to start looking on the bright side of things.
Dog owners are less likely to suffer from depression and other psychological disorders.
Depression stems from feelings of hopelessness and irrevocability.
But how can a dog owner lose all hope and become disinterested when their dog keeps reminding them of the joys of life? A wagging tail, shining eyes, and loud bark can revive even the most pessimistic and cynical people.
College students adopt dogs and learn that caring for dogs provides a sense of purpose, improves your self-esteem, and mitigates depression.
So, get a dog if you want unlimited access to high-quality and free counseling services.
Personal doctors and energizers
You will likely forget about a sedentary lifestyle and the negative consequences it entails if you venture to adopt a pup. Watching your pooch play or sleep can help reduce muscle tension and calm your anxious heart.
Want to lower your blood pressure and improve your overall cardiovascular health? A dog can be an excellent remedy for that!
Dogs are extremely good at gauging your emotional state. It’s incredible how fast they can identify your needs and come up with simple yet effective solutions to your problems. They can offer cuddling and snuggling and thus help you fight hypertension and stabilize blood sugar.
Or encourage you to play and have fun, thus elevating your dopamine and serotonin levels. The very companionship of your furry pet can go a long way in boosting your mood and recharging your internal batteries.
Final thoughts on college students adopt dogs
You’ll never succumb to inertia and depression with a dog by your side. Even temporary difficulties and failing grades won’t seem such a big deal if you let a pup into your home and heart.
And even though college students might feel overwhelmed by their studies and hectic schedules at times, chances are when college students adopt dogs; they’ll never regret the decision.