As humans increasingly treat their dogs as family members, they discover more similarities between the behavior of dogs and young children.
As adorable as that may sound, it can be challenging, too. Dogs that exhibit signs of canine ADHD or Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder are more challenging to train due to their short attention spans.
Children and dogs share somewhat similar mental abilities and behavioral patterns. One such behavioral similarity is ADHD.
It’s essential to understand your dog’s behavior whether you have owned multiple dogs, are a working mother, or are a student trying to balance pet care with university responsibilities.
If your dog has canine ADHD, that can lead to hyperactivity, a shorter attention span, impulsiveness, and poor social behavior.
An individual with ADHD can be highly aggressive or moody and snap without prior notice. Children with ADHD often struggle to concentrate at school. ADHD also can cause children to be unsocial.
Canine ADHD Symptoms
Symptoms of ADHD in dogs are similar to those in humans and can cause behavioral problems.
Dogs with canine ADHD can experience noise sensitivity and fearfulness. They also tend to be more needy and demanding.
Some dog breeds can be more prone to ADHD than others due to genetics. For example, German shepherds, Border Collies, Golden Retrievers, Siberian Huskies, and Jack Russel Terriers are the most prone to ADHD. Chihuahuas, Poodles, and Rough Collies tend to be calmer and less prone to canine hyperactivity.
Young dogs and male dogs are more likely to show ADHD-like behaviors.
Fortunately for dog owners, canine ADHD is sporadic. Usually, the dog is just hyperactive or highly reactive. For dogs to suffer from canine ADHD, they must exhibit attention deficit and hyperactivity.
Normal puppy behavior
Often, puppies are uncontrolled, super active, and disobedient. That’s normal; they are babies and are prone to canine impulsivity.
Puppies need time to learn and usually have excess energy to burn. That’s why puppy training sessions need to be short and focused.
With standard puppies, it works best to break a lesson into different tasks.
However, if you have a puppy with ADHD, you must keep each lesson focused on a simple task, such as walking on a leash or sitting.
Overactive dogs
It’s normal for some breeds to be more active than others, depending on the DNA they carry.
Certain breeds created for hunting or providing protection can be aggressive.
Their displays of hyperactivity are genetic, and these dogs need positive reinforcement training to help channel that energy into appropriate behavior.
Routine walks aren’t enough for these dogs.
They need more physical activity, so owners should consider activities like agility, flyball, or running to help burn off pent-up energy.
These dogs also benefit from mental stimulation from interactive toys.
Highly reactive or aggressive dogs
Some dogs are more reactive than others, which is normal. It’s similar to how some people are more friendly than others. Reactive dogs are not necessarily hyperactive.
They react to even the tiniest change in their environment — sound, smell, etc. — with a lot of energy. For example, dogs that bark at falling leaves or try to attack a vacuum cleaner.
If your reactive dog becomes fearful, consider using a compression garment like a Thundershirt to help calm him—other calming options: CBD treats or hemp oil for pets.
Attention seekers
Hyper puppies need physical activity to stay healthy. If your puppy is full of energy, you’ll need to provide some outlets for them to burn off that excess energy.
Some dogs will do anything to get their owners’ attention.
Unfortunately, if you only respond when they misbehave, that will encourage them to continue that inappropriate behavior, whether it is excessive barking, chewing, digging, or jumping.
To counteract that behavior, spend time with your dog in positive ways.
Take daily walks and groom him regularly. Take your dog to an obedience class and practice your lessons at home.
Managing canine ADHD
You can determine a hyperactive dog early; watch for a puppy who behaves differently from the rest of the litter.
He’s more likely to run or jump when the others are calm, and he may respond by trying to bite or scratch when he’s disciplined. He’s also more likely to obsess over tail chasing.
Dogs with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder are easily distracted and suffer from hyperactivity and impulsive behavior.
They react quickly, so teaching your dog can be challenging. You must remain calm and help your dog focus.
Canine ADHD is nearly the opposite of dogs with canine autism. While dogs with autism tend to be still and stare blankly, dogs with canine ADHD display hyperactive behavior.
Puppies who exhibit hyperactivity need a calm and structured environment, exercise, and a balanced diet to grow up to be the best companion.
Dogs that have ADHD can benefit from small doses of Ritalin. If you think your dog has canine ADHD, visit your veterinarian to discuss whether medication could help.
Dogs with ADHD treated with Ritalin usually calm down within 30 minutes to two hours. Their breathing and heart rates also will slow.
But be cautious; dogs without canine ADHD will react opposite to the drug and become excited, and their breathing and heart rates will speed up.
When in doubt, always consult your veterinarian.
Mary Jones is the co-founder & editor-in-chief at TopMyGrades, which focuses on content marketing strategy for clients from the education industry in the U.S., Canada, and the U.K. Mary has conducted a series of webinars for AssignmentEssayHelp. She has extensive content editing experience and has worked with MSNBC, NewsCred & Scripted. She has authored blogs on,,,, and many more digital publications.