The World Health Organization declared April 7, 2017, as World Health Day focusing on mental health. This year-long campaign aims to educate, raise awareness, and help people who have a mental illness.
Depression, anxiety, and other mental health issues now affect more than 300 million people worldwide according to the WHO, and we think that more needs to be done to educate and inform just how severe this illness can be. It’s usually also the underlying cause of many other social issues.
Those of us who have a dog in our life know just how important they
are for keeping us fit, socializing, and living life to the fullest.
Dogs help owners cope with depression, stress, anxiety, and more.
We think that having a dog in your life can help with coping and
so does Andy and the team at Pet Gear Lab.
They’ve created this infographic to highlight 12 reasons why dogs help owners cope with depression
and anxiety.