Many people believe that dogs and cats are mortal enemies, thanks to the stereotyping of TV shows. The truth is cats and dogs can co-exist and can even become best friends. Choose from a list of dog breeds compatible with cats, then focus on training and nurturing both pets.
Maybe you want a new companion for your kitty or to welcome a dog to the family while already having a cat. If you are both a dog and cat lover, it is best to choose among dog breeds compatible with cats.
Through cautious introductions and training, you can help your fluffy friends socialize and get accustomed to each other.
This article will discuss eight dog breeds compatible with cats.
Labrador Retriever
These breeds are also lovingly called “Labs.” They are energetic, outgoing, and good-natured creatures. They are gigantic compared to your cat, but they are incredibly caring and affectionate. They will readily accept your kitty as their own.
Moreover, they are also not inherently jealous and can easily share their space with your cat. Your feline companion should also be able to share her space with the friendly Labrador. Labs are also smart and gentle. They are the perfect companions for your kids as well.
Golden Retriever
Golden retrievers are known for their playfulness. They are a well-behaved, gentle breed. Their kindness and adaptable nature make it easy for them to befriend your cat and accept it as a family member.
That being said, their playfulness can be a downside as they tend to chase other animals for fun. They need some initial training so that they do not chase your cat. Once they are successfully trained, your goldie and kitty will surely be BFFs.
Golden retrievers are also adaptable and obedient, so they can be easily taught and trained. With their playfulness, affectionate nature, and empathy, they are the complete package of joy.
You can also give your goldie a creative name that will go well with your cat name. Suppose you name your dog Peanut, where your cat is named Butter. You can also do the opposite and name your cat using a cat name generator.
Beagles are one of the top dog breeds compatible with cats. The dogs are generally friendly creatures and get along well with other animals. Due to their extraordinary sense of smell, they were bred to hunt in large packs led by hunters. Hence it was essential for them to be compatible and amicable with other animals.
Beagles are usually carefree and are amazing companions to live with. Since they are friendly toward many animals, they are also amiable with cats. They will view your feline as a member of their pack. Their congenial nature makes them a wholesome addition to the family.
The pug is another amiable breed and can be the ideal furry companion to your cat. They are also small, and their size makes it easier to play with the cat. You also do not have to worry about your cat being hurt by accidentally sitting upon by this dog.
As long as the cat accepts the pug, they can become good friends very quickly. While the humans are away, your cat and pug can bond and play with each other. It is their nature to lounge around, and so you do not have to stress over them chasing the cat.
Since pugs are small and sweet-natured, they are also safe around other small pets like hamsters.
Basset Hound
Basset hounds are also scent hounds like the beagles and bred to hunt in packs. They move slowly as they have long bodies with short legs. Their slow movement will make your cat feel less intimidated and more likely to befriend them, which makes them one of the best dog breeds compatible with cats.
Basset hounds are generally easy-going and calm-natured toward other creatures. Hence, they will also be friendly with your feline. Moreover, their laidback nature will invite your cat to cuddle with them.
Despite being laidback, this breed is a bit stubborn during training. The training might take some time, but once accomplished, they are amazing additions to your ménagerie.
Poodles are available in three sizes: standard, miniature, and toy. All three types are compatible playmates for your feline companion. All of them are very intelligent and easy to train. The miniature and toy poodles are roughly the same sizes as cats.
Hence, cats are less intimidated by them, and they can quickly form a close-knit bond. They are also very protective and will go to lengths to protect your kitty. They need plenty of exercise and will be on their best behavior when they are active daily.
Taking them for daily walks and playing with them will improve relationship dynamics.
Since Maltese are generally the same size as cats, many cats are less daunted by them and feel more comfortable around them. They are known to be the epitome of the toy breed. They are affectionate and kind-hearted. They are also pretty mellow.
They also love to relax or lounge around and will not be concerned about the activities of your kitty. Hence, you do not have to worry about them creating chaos by going after your cat. Your cats will play with the Maltese’s long fur while they are just lying on the couch. The two can live peacefully once your cat is trained not to annoy your Maltese.
Cavalier King Charles Spaniel
Dogs of this breed are caring, gentle, and adaptable. Despite their small stature, they have fearless personalities. Cats are not scared by them due to their small size.
Cavalier King Charles spaniels are bred to be affectionate, obedient, and amicable lap dogs. They get along with both humans and other animals. Hence they will be compatible with both your children and kitties.
Consider dog breeds compatible with cats
Whether you are looking for a canine addition to your family or want a companion for your cat, the above-mentioned breeds are ideal furry friends. Just don’t forget to supervise the introduction of cats and dogs and provide proper training.